
131 Movie Reviews

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Not bad

PatrickDomingo responds:

Thank you very much shrizumalonito :)

That was fantastic. But honestly, when I heard of Popplio I thought, "sounds so Italian," and it's a clown. Therefore, Pagliacci came to mind.

So cheers to you for making this joke a reality.

JackSquatJB responds:

Nice to know someone shares my sense of humour! Thanks!

It's like a silent movie but with sound. Sound effects to be exact.

Well, the same goes for video games as well (RPGs). Dialogue is always used in text form, but you see their emotions when acted out (despite this story being told in a Third-Person point of view). The acting between the duo and their connection is romantic. And, I'm being "posulate" because I'm not sure if that's the direction you're going. Well, I shouldn't say it that much as it's the story is the typical heroic damsel in distress.

Plus, the extended use of references from both the story and music is a bit overwhelming. Actually, I think this is nothing but references. Which is makes the story predictable (depending on your knowledge in culture). I'm not gonna say anything more about it here, because this is just the beginning and their is plot to be told. If you can catch me off-guard, then it's a movie worth watching. So I'll be looking forward to that.

Keep up the good work and go easy on the colors. It's practically too bright.

Why am I getting a Cat Face vibe from this cartoon?

Otherwise, this was a nice conversation.

For those who haven't played the game or haven't seen a Youtube Gameplay, you just spoiled yourself some fun.

Otherwise, the cartoon is adorable throughout the whole movie. And that what sums it all up. A cute character playing through the whole game.

I've been waiting for this. At last that they finally got that pikmin14. Oh, and nice Steam Train joke.

This is possibly going to be a hidden gem. The joke was well executed and had the bait to trick the viewer. Not to mention it was cute.

How is this a comedy? Is it a sitcom? I don't believe it's a black comedy. It was more dramatic other than funny.

Putting that aside; that movie was a nice life story of an adult and his life growing from a child. It's a slice of life story that some could relate to. However, it could added an emotional scene. Unless, I'm dense and didn't see it. I was still intrigued of what the main character was doing. That's the hook.

Overall: nice animation, nice designs, good story. Good job

*If that genre category is changed to "Drama," my first part is irrelevant.

codywalzel responds:

It was supposed to be a dramedy, I wasn't sure how to label it for the Newgrounds labels. The narrator's tone is dry and sardonic, and the situation in general- a guy running through the snow in his underwear and a swelling score- is supposed to be a very dry kind of funny. But, the drama of it seems to be hitting a little harder than the dry comedy I guess. All that said, I changed the label to drama.

Good animation, nice preview. Can't say much because it's a trailer. But I'll consider looking forward to your comic. Good Luck.

I'm learning animation by myself. I mostly admire cartoons. Check out my favorites give them love. Follow me on Twitter. @shrizumalonito

Age 33, Male

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