
131 Movie Reviews

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Good but the music cuts off in the middle which lost the excitement of the whole thing. If you could fix that the movie would be more fantastic.

There was not that much animation but, morphing animation and picture scrolling. This seems like a tribute and it's very good. All that's bugging me is the background music cutting off.

Very good

You don't animate like Oney himself, but the watching it in 3D is great. However, the picture was quite blurry, but it was still okay. I watched it on Youtube and I was excited. The storyline is short but not that quite funny. But of course this is an experiment so, okay.

mohawkade responds:

I will admit, his animation style and mine do differ quite a bit. Though I tried mimicking some of his techniques, at some parts it felt more appropriate to use my own. Picture's a but blurry because of the flash compression >10 Mb, the original file is over 2 GB.

wut up Bronie!

This is the reason why I come to Newgrounds. The only place to really slam franchises REALLY HARD. Good to laugh too. *thumbs up*


I love the series of comics. But, not as quite better than the last one. The beginning was exploding with LOLs but suddenly it went down hill. I believe it's like, telling and old joke redone but, it kept the originality.

Wonchop, you're an incredible animator. And Tom, you're a clever writer. Keep it up.

Good to see ya

Nice quickie. However, the naked Luis is funny and disturbing. (sexy) I hope you are productive as this. I miss you.

Well played

I never would have thought of it like that. It's well scripted. Wonderful voice acting of Rina-Chan and lip syncing. And, it's well played. I'll be looking forward to the next one. Good luck.

Oh, and very clever on the Easter Eggs.

I like it

Nice recreation of Red Riding Hood. I like the concept of the art. The animation is incredibly fluid. And nice twist at the end there. Well scripted and good job.

gusana responds:

Thank you!


The movie is short but the emails at the ends kind of tells the story. However, it would help to show what happened. Good job by the way.

PostTimeskipSam responds:

I'll be honest, I realized that this animation needed some explanation a little too late in the animation process so I added the emails to add more of a backstory.


When I saw Soviet in the title I thought the body would be like a Piroshki or any other Russian food. Piroshki came to mind because I eat them. Oh well, the Soviet flag can be edible.

Yzahkin responds:

Good point. I love Piroshki, awesome food. But I wanted it incredibly communist so here we are :P

At last

An actual short that you made aside from Hat Girl and Raccoon. Since it's an animated version of your old comics, it very well composed and the punch lines are fluent and objective. Try it again and this time, come up with something new.

TGCRed responds:

Haha yeah XD' Raccoon and Hatgirl are almost over actually, so after I put up the last one all my new stuff will be new stuff XD' Thanks for watching my stuff! : D

I'm learning animation by myself. I mostly admire cartoons. Check out my favorites give them love. Follow me on Twitter. @shrizumalonito

Age 33, Male

Pacific NW

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